Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm a little Effie on the whole purpose of my book. I know that there is one main purpose as to why the author is writing the book but I'm sure there is another purpose to my book that I havent yet understood. With out knowing the whole purpose it is hard to analyse how the three elements I have chosen tie into the purpose.
One element I believe to be extremely important is this book that Richard had taken from Don. It is a book known as "Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul". The book is first brought out on page 43, chapter 4 and I think it is a symbol for wisdom and knowledge. The book has no page numbers but its words written on the pages usually speak about certain things you should practice for becoming a messiah.Some of them seem like words of wisdom.The books job is to teach anyone to train and think the way messiahs do. I believe Donald Shimoda is another symbol for the exact title of the book,"Illusions". He is able to do mysterious things like float objects in mid air, land an extremely large plane in a small meadows, give men the will to walk if they can't, just things like that that others believe can't be possible..He is a symbol for the whole concept of Illusion's. In the book he is talking to Richard and he tells him the things he can do is for the fact the the world itself is full of illusions. I believe his job is to show that anyone can be wise and be a messiah. I think his job is also to help identify the purpose of the book.

One purpose of my book is what the author flat out says. He explains why he is writting the book and that is because people were asking him continuooulsy a

Friday, March 7, 2008

Second assignment

1.I believe there are two main character of my book, "Illusions." One is the narrator and the other is one called Master or Donald Shimoda. As far as I have read it has not mentioned the narrator's name. The book discusses the occupation of the narrator and him meeting
with Mr. Shimoda. I believe the narrator is one of the main characters because the novel is written in first person. On page 25 there is a passage that is telling when he crossed the path of Donald Shimoda, while working as a pilot to fly people, with a charge of 3 dollars for ten minutes.

2. I have not have read to far to analysis the personalities of the characters and so I am not really able to compare myself to the main characters. The beginning of the book discusses a story of a man people called master who was a wise teacher. Not much description is given about him.

3.Flying in my plane I have been doing a dead end job for years. When I first started flying this wearied down biplane it was a rush.
The fresh air hitting my face as the awful smell of gasoline filled the air from the roaring engine. as I lifted into the sky butterflies filled my stomach from the sudden elevation lift and from there on only the smell of fresh air filled my nostrils. Each town I had passed had beauty upon it from the sky. Now however, everything seems like a same routine I go through day after day. The breeze is just a breeze, the town is just a town, and flying is just flying no excitement to it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who are you who am I

JASMINE BUT WHO IS SHE? The only one who knows who I am is me and I dont even know if I really know me. So if I dont know me how can I find me. Im lost in this place called life what do I do? No one takes the time to think and try and uncover who they are and what is their destiny or fate in life. Can you determine your own fate or is it already predetermined for you by an own know higher power. Do you live life by a set of rules and principals or no rules at all? Do you flow as life flows foward? Do you set your future or does your future set you? Why are you here why am I here?

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hidden Love

Lost in the confusion I cant understand
you call me love you call me babe i cant comperhend
These feelings are hiding deep inside

With each look your eyes capture my soul
and time is forgotten as the world becomes unwhole
while everything in motion suddenly stops

With each touch you make me weak
my knees shake uncontrollably
my heart beats faster with a skip on each beat

yet you dont understand what your doing to me
its a secret I keep hidden
but can it remain locked away for etermity

First Assignment

The book I have choosen is called "Illusions" by Richard Bach. Im not sure why I choose the book but the title was appling and caught my attention. The tiltle reminded me os Siddarther wa book I enjoyed reading. The novel has a spirital nature to it and is about a guy who meets a messiah mechanic mandude. Taking place in the Midwest the messiah shares his knowledge and wisdom to the other character.